Friday, November 5, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Day
once again.

Please join all the PS ladies 
Pink sharing:

Today is . . .
The Phoenix MS Walk
and I'll be there,
wearing this

If you'd like to donate to the cause
please go here


  1. Hello! Wonderful! We had a walk recently! I hope you all do well!
    Happy PInk Saturday,

  2. Jean, I am so happy you are walking for this worthy cause. I hope your hubby will indeed give you a wonderful foot rub when you are through. Happy Pink Saturday girlfriend, Char

  3. HI Jean
    Good luck on the walk.. a worthy cause!!

    Thanks for your lovely comments my appreciated.. ciao xxx Julie

  4. Happy Pink Saturday Jean! You're walking for a great cause ~ I wish you success!

  5. I soooooooooooooooo wish I could be there this weekend to cheer you on! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  6. HPS. What a pretty flower, the color is very tender and romantic.

  7. Hope your walk went well. Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. Gorgeous flower.......I hope your walk went well.

  9. Jean, you ROCK!!!
    Thank you so much
    for doing this. I
    have personally known
    three people in the
    last year who have
    been diagnosed. I
    hope it was the very
    wonderful experience
    that I hear this walk
    is for those who dare
    to take on the challenge.
    Bless your heart.
    xx Suzanne

  10. Hope your walk raised lots for MS. Great shirt.
    Loved your PS flower. Not many flowers around here lately, so a bloom is refreshing.

  11. Hi Jean, thanks so much for coming by this morning. I have loved reading your blog. You write so eloquently. And I loved reading about Ray. We should all have a Ray watching over us. Happy Pink Saturday. My DH has juvenile diabetes and I feel passionately about that awful disease as you do MS. I know your walk was a tremendous success. Happy belated Pink Saturday or an early one. :)


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