It's Thursday!
My absolutely favorite day of the week.
Today I have author,
Amy McGuire
As a mother of a nearly four-year-old drama queen and wife of a busy youth pastor I have learned the art of multi-tasking. I think it started when my little one came into the world. I used to make a sandwich and eat it with one hand while feeding her. Dinners too were one-handed while I carried around a fussy baby. Now that she’s older it’s teeth brushing while she sits on the potty or feeding her a night time snack while reading a bedtime story.
As a stay-at-home mom I have heard the whole range of comments, from “You’re a stay-at-home mom? What do you do all day?” to my personal favourite, “Oh, I wish I could just quit my job and be home with the kids all day.” And then there’s, “All that free time! No wonder you’re a writer!” I’ve learned to ignore the jibes and chuckle under my breath at the misconceptions and misplaced envy. I think if I didn’t, I would cheerfully strangle my ‘well-meaning’ friends and acquaintances.
When I decided not to go back to work after my maternity leave was up I had no idea that being a full-time mother would be more work than my full-time job. Before I got pregnant I worked as a receptionist for a condo development company for almost four years, 8:30 to 5, Monday to Friday. At the end of each workday I would take the subway home, cook dinner, enjoy a nice evening with my husband and turn in early. Oh, and I got every weekend and holiday off.
They say hindsight is twenty-twenty. Never has that been more true than now when I try to find a few moments in each day to write, edit, market and prepare my books for sale. I didn’t start to consider becoming published until my daughter was nearly ten months old. If I had been writing all those years I used to take the subway back and forth to work, forty-five minutes each way, I would probably have a whole stack of books to my name. Maybe I would even have a publishing contract by now. As it is, I have taken it upon myself to publish my own works and while it is rewarding to see my novel out there, at times it would be nice to have the support of a traditional house. At the very least I would be able to charge a little more for my books.
And yet, would I trade this season of my life? Not for a million book sales. I write in my ‘free time’ between dishes, cooking and raising my daughter who makes every day shine with her bubbly personality and zest for life. I write and edit and market between making beds, folding laundry, cleaning up messes, changing the kitty litter and making sure the cats don’t starve. I write between church, family and life obligations. It’s certainly harder to be an author now that my life is so much fuller, but it’s more rewarding. I’m leaving my daughter a legacy with my books. I’m teaching her that she can follow her dreams, whatever they may be. Life is busy, but I love what I do. I’m so blessed with an understanding husband who sends me away on ‘writers retreats’ every few months. My family’s support has definitely helped keep me sane.
Amy lives in Toronto, Ontario with her husband and their young daughter. As the child of missionary parents she grew up in East Africa and has gained a rich knowledge of the world around her. She has had a passion for English Literature and romance since she was a little girl. She began writing poetry and stories almost as soon as she could pick up a pencil. She writes young adult romance under the pen name, Amy McGuire and Sweet Love is her first published novel, available both on her website and Amazon. Sweet Love is the first in a five book series entitled, The Heart’s Five Senses. She wrote books one through three in 2009 while her daughter napped and is currently working on book four.
Twitter: @shesanauthor