Saturday, December 18, 2010

Red and Green. Got It!

Tis the season:

Decorate outside of house,
and inside
and Christmas Tree:

Check! Check! Check!

Make homemade X-Mas Cards
and Secret Recipe
Handed down generation to generation
Christmas Popcorn balls:

Check! Check!

Make the traditional 
seven different cookies that Norwegian homes
always have at the holiday.


Also, make some 

Check! Check!

So what is left?
Haven't started.
What's left?
Christmas shopping,
& wrapping . 

I will shop
till I drop
See you out there!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Stepping Stones

My youngest daughter
was watching her older sister's son,
TNT, (yep, his initials) who is ten.
They were driving down the road when my grandson said,
"Auntie Mimi, I get so mad when people call me a kid.
I'm an adult."
 "Hmm," Auntie Mimi said.
"Yeah, I can watch a whole movie
at the theater without having to go to the bathroom.
Kids have to get up during a movie to pee."
"I see," said Auntie Mimi. 
"So I'm an adult," he announced.
Aunt Mimi thought for a moment and said,
"Adults don't have tantrums."
"Hmm," TNT said and was very thoughtful for a long while.
"You're right. I should work on that," he said.

They stop at the grocery store to pick up a few things.
At check out, TNT is standing in the next aisle over.
Periodically, as the checker is scanning items,
TNT holds up an object to be purchased,
causing Auntie Mimi to shout,
"We don't need that."
The clerk keeps her head down and continues to scan.
Auntie Mimi shouts again,
"We don't need that."
And again,
and again.
Finally, TNT steps to Auntie Mimi's side.
The clerk starts to laugh,
"Thank goodness," she says,
"I thought you were crazy and talking to yourself."

Hope you are all having a blessed holiday season!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jingle Jingle Jingle

Yes, I've been busy
which is why I haven't been by.
Thanks for understanding.

I made advent calendars:
For the first time

Close ups

Made one for a swap
one for a daughter
& one for grandchildren

But . . .
too cute right?

They've been done and off for a while
And now I'm knitting
Shhhh . . . 
it's secret stuff. :)
But right now, 
I'm on my way to see you and what I've missed.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Stuff Explained

 Just to make you smile!

Yesterday I posted about conversations overheard.
And I heard from a bunch of you.
So here is the context for both: 

I was at a birthday party.
There were a brother and sister there, 
both in their middle to late twenties.
The older sister said to her younger brother:
"I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Sometimes you make me sick
but most of the time we get along together great."
Ha! Ha!

* * *
I was in an office setting.
A supervisor informed one of her team members 
about a job that needed to be done.
The team member complained.
The supervisor repeated her request,
the employee complained again.
The supervisor said to the employee:
"Apparently you don't understand English,
and I know you don't speak Spanish,
so I'm just going to give it to you in Bitch!"
 Then the door closed and I couldn't hear anymore.
When the door opened again,
all seemed right in the world.
Don't you love it!!!!!!!

Sunday, December 5, 2010


"I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
Sometimes you make me sick
but most of the time we get along together great."

This from someone who seemed a bit upset:

"Apparently you don't understand English,
and I know you don't speak Spanish,
so I'm just going to give it to you in Bitch!"
A favorite photo for you!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I'm Cold

I'm back from Minnesota,
but I find I am still cold.
Could be the low temperatures here in California.
I need to remind myself of this:

Hope you all have a wonderful 
first day of December!!!!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Pink? Where?

Happy, Happy Pink Day Everyone!

Yes, once again it's time to link with our friend
So I looked around for some pink.
I found red,
remember these?

They are on my feet.
And of course, I found black and white.
I've got this around my neck.
I'm also wearing my sweater a lot these days.

Yep, I'm in Minnesota.
Where I can't find a single pink right now.
(I'm so very glad I knit - brrrrrr)

LOL, so here's a flower.
It reminds me of warmth.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

I'm Loving It!

So much going on.
But I somehow found
time to . . .

I took this Alpaca blend

went to work.

and look!

 Very versatile.
It's a scarf,
a neckwarmer
or just a real pretty accessory.

As I said . . .

And it has a cute little cable in it.

Have a great day everyone.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Yes, once again
it's Pink Saturday.
As many of you know
last Saturday
was the Phoenix MS Walk.

When we arrived the sky was pink tinged.
I'm so very proud to walk each year 
in honor of my mother
with my daughters.

And the other 'colorful' walkers.
My daughters thought we should have tutus 
next year.
Or perhaps a soft and fuzzy boa.

The best part of the Phoenix M.S. Walk?
It goes through the Phoenix Zoo
and the Botanical Gardens.
So we saw:


 So very cool.

 Loved the flowers, too.

 Most of all I loved the walkers.
Thanks to everyone who participated
and to all those who gave.

and join the other 'Pinkies'
 On Pink Saturday.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Day
once again.

Please join all the PS ladies 
Pink sharing:

Today is . . .
The Phoenix MS Walk
and I'll be there,
wearing this

If you'd like to donate to the cause
please go here

The Handyman, Part VII

A house is only a home when someone loves it. 
My mother created a home for her family. 

In honor of the Phoenix MS Walk tomorrow, I would like to share:

The Handyman, Part VII

I was greatly comforted by the fact that Mom had shown no pain at the end when she closed her eyes and took her last breath. 
For more than thirty years she’d fought MS valiantly, never complaining about her life or the pain we knew she experienced. 
For thirty years she was confident that a cure would be found. 
For thirty years she gave her best effort.

After Mother’s death I spent hours going through her photographs. 
We should have realized that Roy was an angel, or a ghost, after all everyone who came to visit had their photo taken for the albums and had their name written in one of the guest books. 
But yet Roy had eluded them both. 

No matter how I tried, 
I couldn’t get Roy out of my mind. 
And then I realized Roy was sent to be the one who would help my mother let go of this world.  
Mother was a caretaker: 
of her family, 
her friends 
and her home. 
How could she leave this world if those things were not taken care of? 
How could she leave loose ends? 

So Roy came to help her realize that he’d watch over my father and their home. 
He would be there to help with the roof, 
the back-stairs and the kitchen. 
He’d be there to watch over us, just as Mom had done before him. 
He was there to let Mother know that we’d be okay.

In the early morning hours, I sit beside the fireplace and I speak to my mother. 
We have long conversations in my mind and I hear her advice loud and clear.
I hear her words of encouragement and I know she is with me.

And I know and believe that the cure for MS will be found.
And lives will be saved.
That my mother's story is one of faith,
hope and love.

 In the early morning dark
He dreamed of the spring woodflowers
Standing in the ground,
Dark yet under the leaves and under
The bare cold branches.
But in his dream he knew their way
Was prepared, and in their time
They would rise up joyful.
And though he had dreamed earlier
Of strife, his sleep became peaceful.
                                                      Wendell Berry

Please help support the finding of a cure.
For anyone interested in sponsoring my walk
here is the link. 
Sponsor Jean's Warriors
it's named after my mother, Jean.
May you all be blessed this day.