Friday, September 10, 2010


may or may not be
my anniversary.

I know,
we should know this
but it happened like this:
We decided on a date
the 10th,
my husband's parents anniversary date.
Something he could remember.
Then we couldn't get off work.
So we planned to wed on the 11th.
Then we were able to get off work on the 10th.
Then the venue wasn't available.
Then it was.
Then the minister had a conflict.
Then some of the bridal party had challenges.
By the following year,
we couldn't remember which date the deed occurred.

Yes, I know I should dig around and find that #!@!# certificate,
but does it really matter?
What matters is that I've been married to a great guy
for 29 years.

He's a kind human being, 
who is filled with compassion.
He is a great father and grandfather,
and he's the best friend I've ever had.

I'd marry you again under that banana tree.
A story for another time. :)


  1. Happy Anniversary to you both and Congratulations! You've been blessed to have found one another.

  2. "Happy Anniversary to you and Hubby", today AND tomorrow... I say you "STRETCH" that happy occasion into a two day event... "LOVE the story"!!! My two youngest sons were born a day apart, My Justin(2/3/79)and Sean(2/2/82), they grew up and still are BEST FRIENDS! Your Anniversary reminds me of them because we "Always had a 2Day party". and to this day they celebrate 2days of birthdays, it's not like one has one and the other has the other, "They both celebrate the 2Days!!!"
    Hugs, Donna

  3. Awwwww that is so lovely and such inspiration to aim for - we've just completed 11 years of mostly bliss! I keep telling Mr B he's the best husband I've ever had! And I mean it!
    Congratulations to you both xxx

  4. What a CUTE story!!!!! Happy Anniversary! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)

  5. What a lovely story! And, as I've said before, he really looks like a wonderful guy. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! – g


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